November 2018 SGM and Information Hui
Thank you to all whānau who joined us at our SGM in Wairoa and eight Information Hui all around Aotearoa, to discuss the final representation and asset arrangement model and required Trust Deed Updates. Your Trustees were thrilled with the kōrero and turn out.
Missed our hui? You can watch the videos on our Facebook page or in our YouTube gallery.
November 2017 Engagement Hui
Thank you to all whānau who joined us at our nine November Engagement Hui all around Aotearoa, your Trustees were thrilled with the kōrero and turn out. We welcome these honest and robust discussions with our whānau, this mahi is crucial to helping us shape important decisions on our future.
Missed our hui? You can watch the videos on our Facebook page or in our YouTube gallery.
Watch the opening presentation from our November Engagement Hui.