Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa (TToTW) Trust is searching for individuals to fill the role of Commercial Advisor.
TToTW was established to manage the Settlement redress on behalf of the Iwi and Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa, which was received on 12 September 2018, as part of the settlement with the Crown for all the historical Treaty of Waitangi claims within the Wairoa District.
We are now entering an exciting new era and are moving forward with seeing the benefits for the iwi, hapū and whānau of Wairoa with a specific focus on achieving cultural, social, and economical benefits.
The Commercial Adviser through functional reporting will be responsible for implementing the decisions of the Board of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Commercial Limited, TToTW’s commercial entity.
The primary purpose is the management of the asset portfolio, held in the commercial entity, within the specified risk and growth of funds available for distribution to carry out the Trust’s cultural and social objectives and Kāhui outcomes, while ensuring the protection of our taiao and to achieve growth of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust’s assets.
Further information on the role is available from www.ttotw.iwi.nz or by contacting Emily Johnstone at Deloitte on 07 920 7196 or emjohnstone@deloitte.co.nz.
To apply in strict confidence email your CV to emjohnstone@deloitte.co.nz or by mail to Attention: Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa, Deloitte, PO Box 12003, Rotorua 3045. Applications close Friday 20 September 2019.
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