Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trustees hereby give notice to the members of the Iwi and Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa of our Annual General Meeting on 15 December 2018 at Kaiuku Marae, Mahia.

You’re very welcome to attend and get all the updates on our mahi over the last year.Agenda

  • Pōwhiri
  • Karakia
  • Trustees’ Annual Report
  • Audited Financial Statements
  • Appointment of the Independent Auditor
  • Approval of the Trustees’ Remuneration
  • General Business
  • Kai o te Pō

Kaiuku Marae, Mahia

3pm to 6pm
Saturday 15 December 2018

2018 Annual Report 
The 2018 Annual Report, including the Financial Statements, can be downloaded from the Trust’s website here.

It includes the Chairperson’s Report on the Trust’s activities over the past year, and the full set of Financial Statements for the twelve months up until 30 June 2018.

This document is important for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 15 December. Inside the report is the AGM agenda and details of the resolutions to be voted on.

The Initial Trustees will be seeking the Adult Registered Members to resolve:

  1. That the reports on the operations of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust by the Initial Trustees during the preceding Income Year of the Initial Period be received.
  2. That the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust Annual Report 2018 and the duly audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the period ending 30 June 2018 be adopted.
  3. That the appointment of BDO Gisborne Limited as the Independent Auditor for the 2018/2019 Income Year be approved.
  4. That the Trustee Remuneration Level for the 2018/2019 Income Year be approved.

Voting will be by show of hands of those Adult Registered Members present at the AGM.

We will have hard copies of the Annual Report available for everyone at the AGM.  If you would like a printed copy to be sent to you, please contact the Trust Office at contact@ttotw.iwi.nz or phone (06) 838 8262.

We look forward to seeing you there.